The Albuquerque Weekly Alibi was a newspaper in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA covering local entertainment, events and culture.
First published in 1992, Weekly Alibi was a free newspaper covering the Albuquerque area. It was a popular source of news and entertainment, presenting an alternative cutural angle and forum for the diverse communities of Albuquerque. The Weekly Alibi stopped publishing in September 2020.
This publication is a member of the Association of Alternative Newsmedia (AAN). AAN is a group of newspapers and magazines providing journalism that offers an alternative to the mainstream media in the area.
This newspaper was owned by Nucity Publications Inc.
1 comment to date.
Albuquerque Weekly Alibi Names Renee Chavez Editor
-- In January 2016, Renee Chavez replaced Carl Peterson as the managing editor of the Weekly Alibi.
Posted by Mondo Times Editors, Boulder Colorado, March 18, 2016
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