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Daily Texan

The Daily Texan is a daily newspaper in Austin, Texas, USA published for school students, faculty and alumni.

The newspaper is published five days a week, Monday through Friday.

Published since 1900, The Daily Texan is a voice for America's largest student body, the University of Texas at Austin. The newspaper is distributed free of charge at newstands around campus.

The Daily Texan is published by Texas Student Media (TSM), which is part of the Moody College of Communication at the university. TSM also produces the humor magazine Texas Travesty, the Cactus yearbook, KVRX 91.7 FM, Texas Student Television (TSTV) and the alternative news site Burntx.com.

Circulation estimate: 13,000

This newspaper is owned by University of Texas at Austin.


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Content:     Average (2 votes)
Political Bias:   Leans Left (2 votes)
Credibility:   High (2 votes)
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2 comments to date.

Daily Texan Fires Reporter for Fabricated Quotes
-- On November 21, 2019, the newspaper at the University of Texas at Austin said it has fired a senior news reporter, Sara Johnson, after an investigation found many of her articles contained fake quotes attributed to people on and off campus. Daily Texan managing editor Catherine Marfin said "fabricated quotes were attributed to at least 30 people across 18 different articles." The story from the Daily Texan: An update on The Daily Texan’s verification process
Posted by Mondo Times editors, Boulder, Colorado USA, December 12, 2019

One Suspected Shooter Dead at University of Texas Campus Library, No One Else Injured
-- The UT Daily Texan reported on September 28, 2010: "The University was put under lockdown just after 8 a.m., after at least six shots were fired on campus by an unknown gunman. The gunman, who officials said appeared to be a UT student, is now confirmed dead. Authorities were investigating reports of a second suspect, however police have offered no details about him and have declined to call him a “second shooter.” Dobie...

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