Al Hurra ("The Free One" in Arabic) is an Arab-language satellite television service of The Middle East Television Network, Inc. (MTN), which is financed by the Broadcasting Board of Governors, a United States government agency which also runs the Voice of America radio network, the Arabic language Radio Sawa and the Arabic-English magazine, "hi."
Alhurra was created to promote a positive image of U.S. policies to the Arab world. It has been criticized as an ineffective waste of money. Over $500 million has been spent on the service since its launch in 2004.
This TV station is owned by United States government.
The website is presented in the Arabic language.
2 comments to date.
Corruption Is Rampant In Iraq
-- The disappearance of over 8,000 computers worth $1.8 million has put the spotlight on corruption, The New York Times reported on September 25, 2010:
"Corruption is so rampant here — and American reconstruction efforts so replete with their own mismanagement — that the fate of the computers could have ended as an anecdote in a familiar, if disturbing trend. Iraq, after all,...
Al-Hurra TV Described as "The Pentagon Channel" and "A Joke"
-- The Fall 2008 issue of Carnegie Reporter included this about Al-Hurra:
"A June 2008 report published by independent journalism project Pro Publica noted that Al-Hurra's Virginia newsroom was heavily staffed with Lebanese Christians, while a State Department monitor described its broadcasts as "very pro-Lebanese, pro-Hezbollah.
"Journalists attending the Arab Media Forum in Dubai tended to be...
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