Published in Nagoya, The Chunichi Shimbun is the leading newspaper in Japan's Aichi Prefecture, located in the Chubu region of central Honshu, the main Japanese island. The newspaper is published in broadsheet format.
The Chunichi Shimbun began publication in 1886. The publisher also owns the Chunichi Dragons baseball team, and is the main organizer of the international gymnastics event called The Chunichi Cup. The Chunichi Shimbun group also publishes the Tokyo Shimbun and the Chunichi Sports and Tokyo Chunichi Sports newspapers.
Circulation estimate: 2,755,000
Chunichi Shimbun is one of the largest circulation newspapers in the world. Mondo Times covers newspapers around the world.
This newspaper is owned by Chunichi Shimbun Co., Ltd.
The website is presented in the Japanese language.
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