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Babytalk Magazine

Babytalk was a USA magazine covering Parenting.

The final issue of Baby Talk magazine was published in July 2013. Baby Talk was the nation's oldest baby magazine, launched in 1935 as a supplement to customers of a national cloth diaper delivery service based in New Jersey. It aimed to help women navigate the emotional roller coaster and practical realities of being new moms.

In May 2013, Meredith Corporation bought Babytalk from The Bonnier Corporation, and said it would merge Babytalk into the Meredith publication American Baby magazine effective with the September 2013 issue.

This magazine was owned by Meredith Corporation.


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1 comment to date.

Babytalk Magazine Editor Susan Kane Out in Restructuring
-- minOnline, the web site of Media Industry Newsletter (MIN) Magazine, reported on September 20, 2010: "Susan Kane, editorial director of Bonnier Corp.'s Parenting Group (Parenting/Babytalk/Conceive) since March 2008, was ousted September 17 as part of a new Bonnier strategy to produce "greater brand consistency" between the unit's digital and print businesses. As such, PG's editorial content...

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