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LEO Weekly Newspaper Purchased by Louisville Investors

LEO Weekly Newspaper Purchased by Louisville Investors

By Mondo Times editors
Boulder, Colorado USA
Posted on November 16, 2014 at 5:13pm

-- April 29, 2014: The alternative weekly newspaper in Louisville, Kentucky, LEO Weekly has been bought by a group of local investors led by Aaron Yarmuth. He is the son of U.S. House Rep. John Yarmuth, who founded the paper in 1990 along with Robert Schulman, Dudley Saunders, Mary Caldwell and Denny Crum. The seller is SouthComm Inc. of Nashville, Tennessee.

Aaron Yarmuth said: "LEO Weekly has been a part of my life since I was a child, and I am tremendously happy and proud to have the opportunity to help craft the next page in the paper's life. I am not sure I would recognize a Louisville without LEO, and I am committed to maintaining our position as the progressive voice in our community. I would like to thank Chris Ferrell for this opportunity, as well as all of the time, energy and passion he committed to our beloved publication."

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