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Mondo Times Presidential Poll

This poll ran from September 8 to 21, 2008.

Who should be the next president of the United States?
John McCain 4478/50%
Barack Obama 4114/46%
Not sure 399/4%
Votes: 8991     

The latest polls of the presidential race between Republican Senator John McCain and Democratic Senator Barack Obama show the race to be very close.

The CNN poll of August 29-31, 2008 gave Obama a 1 point lead (Obama 49%, McCain 48%), and the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll of August 15-18 showed Obama with a 3 point lead (Obama 45%, McCain 42%).

However, the USA Today/Gallup poll of September 5-7 gave McCain a 10 point advantage (McCain 54%, Obama 44%). The CBS News poll of September 1-3 said that the race is a tie (Obama 42%, McCain 42%).

See all Mondo Times presidential polls.